here are my instruments and their story

(all of the stories is a maybe)

My guild s200 t-bird (unnammed)

this guitar was a christmas gift from my grandpa (2024)

the first thing played on this was the Pink Floyd In The Flesh intro

My telecaster deluxe (second guitar I'm building, it is nammed Lemon Grab

this guitar was started by my dad back in 2020 and sat in a storage unit for 2 years then in my closet for another 2 years

here it is when I started

this is the bridge pickup I will be putting in it, I had to modify the metal plate it sat on so that I could mount it to the guitar (also I know its a gibson pickup, not sure what model but I think its from a Les Paul)

this is the neck pickup, it used to be in my Hagstum before puting the current pickups in it

I took the bad wiring out

got a pickgaurd for it, just gotta screw it in, first I have to install the pickups, but before that I need the wiring (current development stage as of Dec 24 2024)

The Specialcaster

The Specialcaster is my guitar that I finished building (my dad started building it)

This is it after I cut the miscut peice off (people keep saying I took a bite out of it)

miscut peice

This is it getting the plug for the guitar cable sautered

This is after sanding off "Starcaster" off the head because it is the Specialcaster (will paint "Specialcaster" on it eventually)

And the finished product, the Specialcaster in all its glory

The first song ever played on this statement of a guitar was In Bloom, this guitar was finished Oct 25 2024

Johnathan (my Gibson 2018 SG special)

This is the second guitar I ever got, it was given to me by my father

The first song I played on this guitar was Iron Man, I got this in 2018

Joe (my custom hagstrum)

This guitar was bought then given to me by my grandpa and was later customized by Lloyd from Lloyd's guitars (the best guitar shop in town)

The first thing I played on this guitar bought in 2021 was Nowhere Man

Helena (my Stratacaster body type guitar)

I bought this guitar from Lloyd's Guitars with my own money

The first song I played on this guitar that I got in 2024 was In My Life

Neil (my sawtooth EP seires bass)

This one was again bought with my money from Jim's. Also, the tuning peg for the G string is a JFK half dolar

this was my first bass that I got in 2024 and the first thing I ever played on it was the Feel Good inc. riff

Paul McCartny signed guitar

This was bought at an auction (the neck it not the original neck by the way, at least I think) Paul only signed 100 in like 2014 I think

The first thing I played on this was All Apoligies

Floyd (my 6 string Ibenaz Soundgear bass)

This was bought by my grandpa at Heid and then given to me

My second bass (obtained in 2024), the first riff I played on this was the Doom theme

My unnamed Taylor GSmini

Given to me by my father to bring on our trip to Key West, Floridia

Got this in 2020, the first thing I played on it was Free Falling



This peice of crap has been in my possesision for a while, this has never played an actual song, just mostly for messing around and making fun noises