:This would be my webpage (now site)
don't know what I'll do with this but it exists now. Also the site map is at the bottom of this page, there is more to this website.
Anyway heres an gifs and images


you should subscribe to all the newsletter with this email: the-when@hotmail.com or you can just use it to say hi to me in like 15 years, or sooner, I check it from time to time
art and anything else can be sent to supreme.toaster.oven@gmail.com, or you can contact me through Instagram

I suck at this, talking about myself is not easy when I don't know what people want to know, if you want to know something about me ask me, I probally have the informatiomn you are seeking and will be more than willing to share it
The music I like include but are not limited to The Beatles, Tally Hall, Pink Floyd, and Gorillaz.(If you like these you may like my spofify playlist "goodyear blimp" made by me, the songs on it are all over the place, also my name on spotify is "Toaster Oven")
I play some video games such as Fallout (most of them), Grand Theft Auto V, Minecraft, the ocasional Fortnite and Roblox, Terarria, and more.
genres of music that I find good are rock, grunge, jazz, psycidelic rock, some country western (mainly Marty Robins), Tally Hall, metal, The Beatles, and some more (I put bands here because I love their music and I love their genres)
I'm weird
Call me whatever you want, I dont care, most people call me Conner, some call me Chris, few call me Dewey and Kurt, some call me snow, others call me a moron, one person calls me pooks, and very little call me Skylar. Connie is also another name that people call me, but whatever you call me I do not care just go ahead.
I play instruments which are bass guitar, guitar, kazoo, recorder, kinda can play the ocarina, and clarinete(probally spelt that wrong but whatever).
I like the ram 1500 2001 conversion van.
An appartment I think I would enjoy living in is a 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bathroom loft appartment on the 13th floor of a building in Toronto with a large window in the main living space on the wall facing outwards twards the city, theres probally no place like this in Toronto but its still a nice thought
I like Canada, Canada is good, specifically Toronto, I like Toronto.
Some shows I like watching are Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, The Walking Dead, Better Call Saul, Fallout, Pantheon, Star Trek, Breaking Bad, Bee and Puppycat, South Park, and more.
Some movies I enjoy are The Matrix (all of them), Iron Man (again all of them), Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World, Yellow Submarine, The Walking Deceased (its a funny spoof of "The Walking Dead), The Interview, and more.
i love the 2000's web/ web 1.0 feel that some websites have
I code from time to time, its fun.
I love cheese
I like cats, and some dogs.
Glass domes as a roof in a home are awesome, like a room thats just glass on a rainy day would be awesome
with the amount of stuff I have done to myself I should be dead
cuddles and hugs are awesome sauce
I like pizza, soup, tacos, shrimp, crab, salmon, blue gill, cheese burgers/burgur in general, sandvich, CHEESE, potatos, and 16 gigabite ram cards, there are like hardly any food that I wouldn't eat.
Riding bikes is fun to do.
I listen to music through records, cassete tapes, cds, my I-pod, digital, radio, and ocasionaly a usb, pretty much if it can play music I will listen, even if I have to make the music
Old stuff is neat to me.
I find some cars pretty cool
from wisconsin and currently live in wisconsin
cheeseburger from A&W
I love to play intruments
I love sprite cranberry, but it doesn't love me back :(, most things don't
I build guitars and stuff
I love Scott Pilgrim
Watch Pantheon. Do it now. It is genuinely one of the best shows ever made.
Cheese Test: What type of cheese are you?
any questions about me can be asked through my email, Instagram, or the guestbook (its in the site map found at the bottom of this page)

I don't feel like puting all of my social media links so to find me just search up supreme_toaster_oven on google and you should find my Tiktok, my Youtube is also there but it is very dead, finding my Instagram is a maybe, I'm also on scratch, Twitch (supreme_toastr_oven), Spotify (Toaster Oven), and Steam (SUPREME_TOASTER_OVEN) so yeah. Also, if you look hard enough, and/or know my real name, you can find me on Twitter/X(X is a stupid name). I have made a Reddit account (u/chrisisgonnagetyou) and a sub-Reddit (r/supreme_toaster_oven) check them out if you feel like it.
hehehe source code hehe
the-when on neocities.org




Fun fact: did you know that they're in the woods.
Scott Pilgrim very good
e he e he
Thats all for now, ok bye bye!